*Date* : 26th May, 2020.
*MEMORY VERSE:* EPHESIANS 4:32 - And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
Today’s topic speaks to everyone including pastors, ministers, evangelist, workers and Christians as a whole. Since it seems humanly very difficult forgive some offences, especially insults we get from the people we trust and love from the bottom of our hearts, they tend to hurt us a lot and we find it difficult to let go or forget about it.
Surprisingly, God wants us to always forgive and forget, if you ever forgive and you don’t forget, then in you there is bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking and malice (vs. 31) Let’s not forget the commandment, be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
I have come to the understanding that the major reasons why most of our prayers are not answered is due to our inability to forgive one another. Let’s take this message as our take home, let’s search through our heart and forgive everyone of all wrongs they have done to us. May God continually help us, in the name of Jesus.
*Prayer Point* : Father, create in me, a heart that forgives and forget.