2 min readMay 24, 2020

Date: 24th May, 2020.
TEXT: 1 THESS.5:16-18 - Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Our generation has been polluted with so many contaminated activities and machines, we are being distracted by mobiles phones (social media), games and such frivolities that we no longer see hearing or speaking with God as our top priority. We tend to be far away from God and expect Him to attach Himself to us. We shouldn’t forget the Word of God, He says “draw nigh unto me and I will draw nigh unto you”. He is our Father and we are joint heirs with Christ. What are you waiting for, call for a meeting with your Father (God), pour out your mind to Him, He will listen and help you, if your desires and dreams are best for you, as at that time you ask for it.
There is no place in the scripture, that states that unless we are busy, we can’t pray. I understand that in Nigeria today, we work 12 hours a day and activities has gotten the best of our schedule, but can we at least pray without ceasing for at least 30 minutes out of the 24 hours, we have in a week. Such devotion can only be if our full attention is attached to God.
How to pray without ceasing: (i) Begin with gratitude
(ii) Let your everyday chores become acts of worship by turning them into times of prayer.
(iii) Pray while you wait; we spend hours in traffic and travelling, we can use those times to pray.
(iv) Sing a song of praise. James 5:13
(v) Learn to admit, when you mess up in life, ask for God’s forgiveness, He is your father and He will forgive you.

Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, help me to pray without ceasing in any circumstances.


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