DATE: Sunday 3rd May 2020
TOPIC: Voluntary submission.
BIBLE READING: Psalms 24: 1-7.
MEMORIZE: Psalms 24:7- Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. [KJV].
We can understand from our passage, that doors, though inanimate objects, yet they have lives. They respond to commands without touching them. One reason why doors are to be open is because the King wants to come in. A king doesn't come in through the window or fence, but through right entrance; John 10:1-3. God must not need to jump through fence or struggle to enter your life or gain access to you, you must create easy way for Him. Revelation 3:20 says He doesn't need to force Himself on you but He will always knock and keep on exercising patience until you open for Him because He is a Lamb not a rogue.
How ready and willing are you, to open the door for Him? If you push Him away, He has no choice than to leave. God cannot do certain exploits in our lives until certain doors are lifted. How ready are you?
PRAYER: Lord, please let my heart be a soft-landing spot for you. Help me not to be adamant to your instructions.