2 min readNov 10, 2020
    10th November, 2020
    Memory verse Ephesians 4:-12
    [12]For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
    Text: 1 Corinthians 12:8
    [8]For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

Every human created by God has one gift or the other and the purpose of the gift is to edify the body of Christ and also to make the body of Christ perfect here on Earth. At first, many people doubted Jesus despite seeing Him performing miracles but Jesus exhibition of this gift of the Word of Knowledge in various ways brought back souls to God.
Nowadays, many unbelievers know the Bible word for word but they lack the Holy Spirit for understanding. But our knowledge as Christians and with the help of the Holy Spirit can win their souls during our explanations.
Jesus speaking to two men according to Matthew 4: 16-19, touched the aspect which troubles their heart with the Word of Knowledge, and their souls were won.
Most of the Unbelievers mentioned above do succumb with Prophets when they share with them what their problem is.
Jesus also used the Word of Knowledge while chatting with the Samaritan woman beside the well.
As Christians, we need to covet for such Gift of Word of knowledge so as to do profitable exploits.
Note: While desiring any spiritual gift, our motive must be set right knowing that the purpose is to win souls to God.

Action point: You are not created empty, God can use you too!!!

Prayer Point: Lord, I need understanding for the Gift of your Word, release it upon me. Amen


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