Blessed to be a blessing
DATE: 4th, September 2023
TOPIC: Blessed to be a blessing
TEXT: Gen 12 vs 2–3
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
It is necessary to know that, God never blessed us for our own sake alone. We are just a channel, a channel of blessing to others and we are being blessed to be a blessing to people around us.
The blessing of God is not just financially alone, anything you have is a blessing from God. That you have a job, married with a child or children is a blessing from God. That you have salvation is even a greater blessing from God. Ephesians 1 vs.3 talks about spiritual blessings and Romans 15 vs 29 also talks about the blessing of the Gospel of Christ, which means God’s blessings is beyond finance. Some of us are blessed with the spirit of revelation, some with the passion and strength for Prayer. All these blessings are meant to be a blessing to people around.
It’s the will of God for us, that all families of the earth be blessed and He knows very well that we can’t be a blessing without we being blessed, and that’s why He is ready to bless us. Hebrew 6 vs. 14 Says, “Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee.” It is of a certainty that He has blessed us in one way or the other and He will surely bless us more with the mindset of us being a blessing to others.
Blessing others with the blessing God has given to us, typically means
👉 We appreciate the blessing and give thanks to God
👉 We are fulfilling God’s mind of blessing the earth
👉 We are in need and are qualified for more blessings.
We are blessed to bless others indeed!
Lord Jesus, teach me to bless others with your blessings. Amen